Saturday, February 8, 2014

What is the media world going to look like in the next five years?

What is the media world going to look like in the next five years? 
I believe that Facebook and Google will still be major contributors to the world of social media in five years. I believe both companies are innovative and have also learned to listen and collaborate with their users. I believe Twitter will also be on the forefront because even though it has the 140 word limit, it is enough to get you to the next link they may attach to their tweet.
Tim Berners-Lee is working on project that will make it easier to share information across platforms by establishing compatibility among software formats and classifying information on the Web in a formal system that all computers will understand.  I think this will bring us even more power of the web, but as the information stated, how we use social media tools that we have at our fingertips is in the power to engage it and use it in a productive and efficient way.
I believe with this developing technology, the “prosumer” will have more choices than they have ever had. I believe the media sources will be able to gather information and know almost exactly who to advertise and what to advertise which some are already doing. Amazon has done some of this when you order through their website. The technology is there now with the smartphones as indicated in our reading that can detect where you are in the supermarket and alert you to a sell exactly where you are.
I know that the Netflix is the entertainment source that I have heard people using recently. It was a company that was innovative with their technology in incorporating the web into its user services.  I believe it will be a company that will be around in five years and in more homes that it currently is now.
I think Twitter will also be around as one of the news sources because of the links the tweets can provide about what is going on in the world. There is enough information provided in order to get you to click the link to go on to the next topic or to find out more. I believe that the news will be more tailored for what the consumer is really concerned about versus what the producers of the show determine to air through the TV. I believe it gives the consumers the ability to only view what is important to them. I can see that media sources today are making things more interactive during their shows.
Google is a company that has been around since 1995 and continues to innovate and grow in the services that it provides. It hasn’t gotten involved in the social media aspect as strong as Facebook but has begun that with their google+ social media site. I believe it will be a company that will be around in five years and providing more access to media sources than it does now.  While working on this paper I clicked on the google store within my gmail account and it took me to a host of applications that ranged from games to movies to news, business tools and education.  Google has provided the google drive that allows the collaboration of the Microsoft office programs of Word, Excel, Power Point and even drawing program. Do I think this company will be here in five years, and my answer is yes!
Do I think Facebook will be here in five years, again I would say yes! They are learning to collaborate with their viewing audience and engage them on their projects.
Another social networking site is LinkedIn. I believe it is a powerful networking source for the business world. You can be a part of the field you work, but also other fields that you may be interested. I believe it can be a place that will help you to gain knowledge that you might not have access to any other way.

As indicated in our reading, the social media aspect of the web has just evolved over the last 10 years and it transforming the world we live it quickly! 

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